Film: The School to Prison Pipeline in Ontario (Black Legal Action Centre, 2022)

Real Talk, Real Walk™ Monthly Livestream: July 20, 2023 @ 12pm

Where to join: Register HERE or watch live on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or YouTube.

Taking the Leap: From Theory to Practice

Don’t forget to put our Real Talk, Real Walk™ Free Monthly Livestream on July 20, 2023 into your calendar!

And be sure to take a nice, long look at the pictures in this post.

Because this is why we do this work.

We do this work to ensure that future generations thrive.

That they succeed.

And we do this work so that they are finally and completely free.

Imagine the stress of living through pre-school to high school (and then into your adult life) focused solely on survival. How much does that anxiety increase when you factor in the intersecting identities of these young people: from gender to sexual orientation to religious or ethnic identities to abilities. Each of these intersections complicates a young person’s experience. That should never be the case, but it is.

And yet, what the research shows us is that when the adults they encounter are courageous enough to disrupts patterns of systems racism, these same young people thrive.

It takes each and every one of us to make that happen.

Recognizing the steps taken to move from school to prison is of critical importance if you want to be ready to disrupt this pattern.

No matter where you work or what sector you are in, intersection with education exists. Guaranteed. And that means you have numerous opportunities to disrupt the patterns.

So, when you feel ready to turn theory into action in your own community, head over to the Membership Page and choose your next Membership package: e(RACE)r Network™.

There, you will get to work on specific projects and take your anti-racist community building to the next level, no matter where you are in the world!

May each of these reflection questions help you to find your place in building an anti-racist world.

Reflection Questions for July 2023

  • What are some examples of these patterns of moving Black, Indigenous and other non-white youth from schools to prison that stand out for me?
  • How do these patterns appear in the sector I work in and what can I do to disrupt them?
  • What day-to-day actions might I take to support young learners experiencing racism in schools?
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